It came to our ears, that there is a rich spring well of fresh, highly mineralized water in the area of Nuskova. We decided to rediscovered it, so we started obtaining all neccessary documentation and completed drilling in May 2008.
Based on the performed analyzes, we found that the spring water is super high quality and the rumors of this hidden gem were true all along.
With its unique balance of minerals – not found anywhere else in the world – you can drink as much as you like, everyday, all the time.
Actually, the more you drink it, the healthier you get!

bringing cana royal water to the people
In 2010, we bought an old scool building from 1900 from the municipality of Rogašovci.
Exactly one year later, we approached the completion of the water filling facility.
We restored the dilapidated building and brought new energy and life into it.
In doing so, we preserved the authenticity of the building and restored it to a wonderful shine. The facility has a technologically advanced line for filling mineral water.
We are also in the process of builiding a modern drinking hall with an indigenous touch, where you will be able to taste the unique CANA ROYAL WATER directly from the spring!
Cana Royal Water has been receiving numerous awards ever since
And its founder Niko Huber have received a prestige recognition by Fine Water Academy as FIRST Water Sommelier in Slovenia!